


2014 February On Ramifications of Intonation, KunstMUSIK 16, Cologne, Germany, ISSN 1612-6173 article
2012 Music Derived from Other Sources, pp.149-160, The International Journal of the Humanities, Vol.9, Issue 7, Common Ground Publishing LLC, Champaign IL, ISSN: 1447-9508. article
2012 July On Musiquantics – English translation of Von der Musiquantenlehre (2008), 130 pages, Report No.51 of the Musicological Institute / Musikinformatik & Medientechnik of the University of Mainz, ISSN 0941-0309. book
2011 October 22 Algorithmic Composition, illustrated by my own work, pp.7-15, Emille, The Journal of the Korean Electro-Acoustic Music Society, Seoul, Korea, ISSN 2233-9302 article
2011 August Making Music out of Field Recordings, pp.1-5, Proceedings of the Symposium “Music and Sonic Art: Practices and Theories”, Baden-Baden, Germany, Vol. II, ed. G. Lasker, M. Doğantan-Dack, J. Dack, published by The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Windsor ON, Canada, ISBN 978-1-897233-25-2 article
2010 Visualizando el Sonido – Sonificando lo Visual (“Visualizing Sound – Sonifying the Visual”), translated into Spanish by J. S. Lach Lau, pp.279-291, Itamar, University of Valencia, Spain, ISSN 1889-1713 article
2010 August Mathematics as the Source of Music Composition, pp.1-5, Proceedings of the Symposium “Music and Sonic Art: Practices and Theories”, Baden-Baden, Germany, Vol. I, ed. G. Lasker, M. Doğantan-Dack, J. Dack, published by The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Windsor ON, Canada,ISBN 978-1-897233-80-1 article
2009 Winter Decompartmental: Conversing with Clarence Barlow, interview by C. Jette, pp.10-22, Computer Music Journal Vol.33, No.4, ed. D. Keislar, MIT Press, Cambridge MA article: interviewee
2009 August PAPAGEI: An Extensible Automatic Accompaniment System for Live Instrumental Improvisation (co-authored with S. Bakht), pp.521-523, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), McGill University, Montreal, Canada article: co-author
2009 August On Music Derived from Language, pp.29-33, International Journal of the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Vol.IX no.1, ed. G. Lasker, Windsor ON, Canada, ISSN 1609-8625 article
2009 February Clarence Barlow  – interview by Dominy Clements, published online at<http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2009/Feb09/Clarence_Barlow.htm> online article: interviewee
2009 January Visualising Sound – Sonifying the Visual, pp.2727-2734, Proceedings of the 2009 Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu HI article
2008 December Von der Musiquantenlehre, 2 volumes, 132 pages, Feedback Papers Vol. 34, Feedback Studio Cologne, Germany,ISBN 978-3-9812713-2-4; [volume 1], [volume 2] book
2008 August Musica Visualis: On the Sonification of the Visual and the Visualisation of Sound, pp.38-42, Proceedings of the Systems Research in the Arts and Humanities Symposium, Vol II, Baden-Baden, Germany, ed. G. Lasker, A. Luz, M. Doğantan-Dack, J. Dack, published by The International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Windsor ON, Canada article
2008July Die Zeiten ändern sich (“Times are changing”), pp.2-3, KunstMUSIK 10, Cologne, Germany, ISSN 1612-6173 article
2008 February On the Derivation of Music from Language, pp.91-95, Proceedings of the International Symposium “Frontiers of Research on Speech and Music” Calcutta, India article
2007 August 1 Clarence Barlow – interview by B. Gilmore, published online at <http://www.paristransatlantic.com/magazine/interviews/barlow.html> online article: interviewee
2007May Visualising Sound – Sonifying the Visual, pp.20-33, Academy Bourges, Volume VIII Mnemosyne Bourges, France,ISBN 978-2-9511363-5-9 article
2007May On the mutual perception of Creator and Listener in Electroacoustic Music: a briefly attempted outline, p.24, Academy Bourges Volume VII, Mnemosyne Bourges, France, ISBN 978-2-9511363-6-6 article
2006 Am liebsten wär ich selbst Musik… (“I wish I were Music itself”), interview in German with the composer Barbara Heller, pp.131-135, Begegnungen mit Barbara Heller (“Encounters with Barbara Heller”), ed. U. Levens, Wolke Publishers, Hofheim, Germany, ISBN-10: 3-936000-39-5 article: interviewer
2005 Zero Crossing, pp.34-35, SoundVisions,editor T. Möller, K. Shim, G. Stäbler, PFAU publishers, Saarbrücken,  Germany,ISBN 3-89727-272-5 article
2005 Spring Three articles:1) Albert Feintheil:eine Teilautoretrospektive, pp.4-6,2) 50 Years of the Avantgarde: from Sound Coinage to a Sound Minting, pp.7-10,3) Satisfaction in Artmaking as a function of Æsthetic Creativity and Technical Flexibility as well as of Self-distance, Remuneration and Time Pressure, pp.11-16, KunstMUSIK 4, Cologne, Germany, ISSN 1612-6173 articles
2005 ISIS, an alternative approach to sound waves, pp. 660-663, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2005, Barcelona, Spain article
2002May On the Relationship between Technology and Artistic Creativity – Potentials and Problems (with: Satisfaction in Artmaking as a function of Æsthetic Creativity and Technical Flexibility as well as of Self-distance, Remuneration and Time Pressure), pp.23-29, Academy Bourges Volume VI, Mnemosyne Bourges, France, ISBN 2-9511363-4-X article
2002May 3 Mythod, online bulletin “Method”, ed. H. Nakazawa, Japan:<http://www.aloalo.co.jp/nakazawa/method/method014_e.html>,<http://www.iamas.ac.jp/~mmiwa/Mythod.html> online article
2002 Zum Verhältnis von Technologie und künstlerischer Kreativität – Potentiale und Probleme (mit: Künstlerische Zufriedenheit als Funktion von Ästhetischer Kreativität und Technischer Flexibilität sowie von Selbstdistanz, Vergütung und Zeitdruck) (“On the Relationship between Technology and Artistic Creativity – Potentials and Problems (with: Satisfaction in Artmaking as a function of Æsthetic Creativity and Technical Flexibility as well as of Self-distance, Remuneration and Time Pressure)”), pp. 110-118, Kunst und Künstlichkeit, editor F. Geissler, Pfau Publishers, Saarbrücken, Germany 2002, ISBN 3-89727-249-0 article
2001 THE RATIO BOOK, Editor C. Barlow 350 pages, Feedback Papers Vol. 43, Feedback Studio Cologne, Germany (incl.C.Barlow article On the Quantification of Harmony and Metre,  pp.2-23) article, book editor
2001 AUTOBUSK Manual, Report No.44 of the Musicological Institute/ Musikinformatik & Medientechnik of the University of Mainz, Germany, ISSN 0941-0309 book
2001June A Short Essay on Musical Time: Four forms as manifest in my Piano Concerto n°2, pp.16-25, Academy Bourges Volume V, Mnemosyne Bourges, France, ISBN 2-9511363-3-1 article
2000 Auf der Suche nach dem reell Globalen – Zur physischen Ertastung der Erde in Raum und Zeit (“In search of the really global – physically feeling the earth in space and time”), pp.183-188, Lab, Jahrbuch 2000 für Künste und Apparate, Media and Arts Academy Cologne, Walther König Verlag, Cologne, Germany, ISBN 3-88375-437-7 article
1999 Methoden algorithmischer Klangerzeugung anhand eigener Arbeiten: Von Klanglomeration und Schallwellenreiten zu Synthrumentation und Spektastik (“Methods of Algorithmic Sound Generation illustrated by my own work: from Clanglomeration und Sound Wave Surfing to Synthrumentation and Spectastics”), pp. 67-82, Klangforschung ’98, Ed. J. Stelkens & H. G. Tillmann, PFAU publishers, Saarbrücken, Germany, ISBN 3-89727-086-2 article
1999 Ten articles, some reprints:1) Some reflections of recent prospects in creative music, 1999, pp.13-16 (French), 156-158 (English)2) On fantasia quasi una sonata con “mantra” di Stockhausen: What Causes a Given Person at a Given Time and Place to Write a Piece Like This, 1973, pp. 16-17 (French), 158-159 (English), reprint3) The Neglected Muse, 1974, pp.17-18 (French), 159-160 (English), reprint4) Tröttels Trauma, 1979, p.18 (German), 161 (English), reprint5) The Court Mathematician and the Musician Brothers, 1985, pp. 19 (French), 160,162 (English), translation from German

6) Ode to St. Cecilia, 1987, pp. 19-20 (French), 162 (English), reprint

7) On the (desolate) State of New Music or How to Effectively Defeat it, 1989, pp.20 (French), 162-163 (English), reprint

8) On the Palaeontology of New Music, 1990, pp. 20-21 (English), 163 (English), translation from German

9) Das Leben des Albert Feintheil: eine Kurzteilautoretrospektive (“The Life of Albert Feintheil: a short partial auto-restrospective”), 1994, pp.21-22 (German), 163-164 (German), reprint

10) 50 Years of the Avantgarde – from Sound Coinage to a Sound Minting, 1998, pp.22-26 (French), 164-168 (English), reprint, Academy Bourges Vol. IV, Mnemosyne Bourges, France, ISBN 2-95111363-2-3

1998 On the Spectral Analysis of Speech for Subsequent Resynthesis by AcousticInstruments (reprint), pp.183-190, Festschrift Georg Heike. Editor B. J. Kröger et al., Forum Phoneticum 66, Frankfurt, Germany article
1998 Songs Within Words, pp.233-240, Samuel Beckett and Music, editor Mary Bryden, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, ISBN 0-19-818427-1 article
1998 December La Fersuevia Solminante, Vierzehn Variationen in g-moll über ein bekanntes Volkslied  (“14 variations in G minor on a well-known folksong”), pp. 5-20, Report No.35 of the Musicological Institute/Musikinformatik & Medientechnik of the University of Mainz, Germany, ISSN 0941-0309 article with score
1998 October Two articles collectively entitled “…Eine arithmetische Übung der Seele…” (“…an arithmetic exercise of the soul…”):1) Über die Rationalisierung einer harmonisch irrationalen Tonhöhenmenge (“On the rationalization of a harmonically irrational pitch set”),2) Ist die Harmonik ein Spezialfall der Polymetrik? (“Is harmony a special case of polymeter?”), pp. 11-32, Report No.34 (IAK-Special Volume) of the Institute of Musicology, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, ISSN 0941-0309 articles
1998May Composed Diffusion: the (in)soluble and the (ir)relevant in my work, pp. 12-19, 196-203, Academy Bourges Vol. III, Mnemosyne Bourges, France, ISBN 2-9511363-1-5 article
1998 CON-TAKTE/LON mit/NAN/von CARenz/baROW, p.95, MusikTexte 73/74, Cologne, Germany article
1997May On the Spectral Analysis of Speech for Subsequent Resynthesis by Acoustic Instruments, pp.276-283, Academy Bourges Vol. II, Mnemosyne Bourges, France, ISBN 2-9511363-0-7 article
1996 Conlon Nancarrow, Studies No. 6 & 7, pp.25-27, Ex Machina 1996: The Festival Book, Folkwang-Hochschule Essen, Germany article
1996May On the Æsthetic and Historical Development of Electroacoustic Music, pp.11-13, Academy Bourges Vol. I, Mnemosyne Bourges, France, ISBN 2-910131-08-4 article
1995 Lingua Armata: Experiences with Speech as Compositional Material in Algorithmic Real Time Transformation, p.13, Proceedings of the International Congress in Music & Artificial Intelligence 1995, University of Edinburgh, UK article
1992 Clarence Barlow, interview translated into Dutch by M. Darge, published online at <http://www.logosfoundation.org/kursus/9560.html> online article, interviewee
1992May Eine Maschine, um die Arbeit abzunehmen (“A machine to reduce your work), interview in German by M. Supper, pp. 5-7, Positionen Magazine, Berlin, Germany, ISSN 0941-4711 article, interviewee
1992May De Mens, Een Soort Computer (“Man, a kind of computer”), interview translated into Dutch by P. Snel, pp.6-7, Magazijn M, No. 215, Rotterdam, The Netherlands article, interviewee
1990June Harmonik und Quantität (“Harmony and Quantity), pp.47-55, Ex Machina 1990: The Festival Book, Folkwang University Essen, W. Germany article
1988 August Klarenz Barlow, interview in German by M. Peschko, pp.44-49, Keyboards Magazine, Cologne, Germany article, interviewee
1987 Two Essays on Theory, pp.44-60, Computer Music Journal Vol. 11 No. 1/MIT Press Cambridge MA article
1987 November Komponieren trotz, mit und aus dem Computer (“Composing in spite of, with, and out of the computer”), interview in German by R.-D. Weyer, pp.3-8, Zeitschrift für Musikpädagogik (Journal for Music Pedagogy) 12/42, Regensburg, Germany, ISSN 0341-2830 article, interviewee
1987 Projekt Rübenspäher, pp.306-307, Documenta 8 (“d8”) Catalog Vol. 2/Documenta Kassel, W. Germany article
1986 November 15 Two articles:1) Conlon Nancarrow, Studies No. 6, 7, 19, 21,2) Verhältnisse Nr.6 für Melodieinstrumente (“Relationships #6 for melody instruments”), Program of the Computer Music Festival Neue Töne, Düsseldorf, W. Germany articles
1986 July Pro Computermusik, interview in German by Online Magazine, Cologne, Germany, ISSN 0179-6623 article, interviewee
1985 Miten on, vaihtaako nykysäveltäjä kynänsä tietokoneeseen? (“how does a composer currently exchange his pen for a computer?”), interview (translated into Finnish) by E. Määttänen, pp.12-14, Synkooppi Magazine Op.21, Helsinki, Finnland, ISSN 0356-9691 article, interviewee
1985 Der Hofmathematiker und die Musikantenbrüder  (“The Court Mathematician and the Musician Brothers”), pp.4-5, Zeitschrift für experimentelle Musik Vol. 2, editor S. Wunderlich – see also Mnemosyne Bourges Volume IV, 1999 article
1985 October Zu Peter Wilsons Bemerkungen über „Çoğluotobüsişletmesi“, (“On PeterWilson’s remarks concerning Çoğluotobüsişletmesi”), p.59, Neuland Vol. 5, editor H. Henck, Bergisch Gladbach, W. Germany, ISBN 3-922875-06-8 article
1985 A Conversation with Clarence Barlow, interview by S. Kaske, pp.19–28, Computer Music Journal Vol. 9, No.1, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA article, interviewee
1984 *SC-Manual (on the author’s own computer program for music notationof 1972-76), pp.67-80, Algorithmus, Klang, Natur: Abkehr vom Materialdenken?, Darmstädter Beiträge zur Neuen Musik 19, Schott, Mainz, W. Germany,ISBN 3-7957-1576-8 article
1984 October Two articles:1) Über die zwei Arten von Computermusik (“On the two forms of computer music”), pp.27-28,2) Willkommen in BYTEschland! (Gespräche mit führenden Computermusikern im deutschen Sprachraum) (=“Welcome to BYTEland! (Conversations with leading exponents of computer music in German speaking countries)”), pp.30-37, MusikTexte 6, Cologne, W. Germany articles
1984July Der heimliche Zungenschlag: Ein Porträt des Kölner Komponisten Klarenz Barlow (=“Secretive Speaking: a portrait of the Cologne composer Clarence Barlow”), interview in German by B. Leukert, pp.33-40, MusikTexte Vol.5, Cologne, Germany article, interviewee
1984 Summer Clarence Barlow, interview by K. Volans, Summer Gardeners, pp.139-155, Newer Music Edition, Durban, South Africa, ISBN 0-620-08530-4 article, interviewee
1983April Das Klavier als Rohrmaterial für Komponisten  (“The piano as raw material for the composer”), p. 8, Makulatur, editor A. Losonczy, Salzburg, Austria article
1983April “Reidosklopädie/Enzykloskoport?” Eine mit journalistischster Akribie recherchierte Arbeit mit und mitunter über Musik (“A work researched with the most journalistic meticulousness with – and sometimes about – music”), pp.23-60, Neuland Vol. 3, editor H. Henck, Bergisch Gladbach,W. Germany, ISBN 3-922875-04-1 article, script
1982 August Komponieren heute: Klarenz Barlow (“Composing today: Clarence Barlow”), interview in German by G. Gronemeyer, pp.19-24, Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, Schott, Mainz, Germany, ISSN 0170-8791 article: interviewee
1982 Eine Methode zur Vereinfachung der Addition von Sexagesimalzahlen mit der Hilfe eines gewöhnlichen Taschenrechners  (“A Method to simplify the addition of sexagesimal numbers with the help of a common pocket calculator”), p.144, Neuland Vol.2, editor H. Henck, Bergisch Gladbach,W. Germany,  ISBN 3-922875-03-3 article
1981 Zur Harmonik nordindischer Raagen oder: Was ist überhaupt ein Raag? (“On the Harmony of North Indian Raags, or: Whatever is a Raag?”), pp.103-114, Weltmusik (1) Feedback Papers Special Volume, Feedback Studio Cologne article
1980 Bus Journey To Parametron (all about ‘çoğluotobüsişletmesi’), Feedback Papers Vol.21-23, 135 pages, Feedback Studio Cologne, W. Germany, 2nd edition 1984 book
1980 Busreise nach Parametron (alles über ‘çoğluotobüsişletmesi’)  (“Bus Journey to Parametron (all about ‘çoğluotobüsişletmesi’) ”), pp.114-118, Neuland Vol. 1, editor H. Henck, Bergisch Gladbach, W. Germany,ISBN 3-922875-00-9 article
1979 Two articles:1) Tröttels Trauma, ein rohmahn, p.3,2) An Introduction To Raag-Harmony, pp.13-14, Feedback Papers Vol.18, Feedback Studio Cologne, W. Germany article